



Lazy 5 Vets
Preventative Healthcare and Annual Vaccines

Preventative Healthcare and Annual Vaccines

Preventative Healthcare and Annual Vaccines Just like we humans have to have annual checkups with the doctor, the same goes for our pets. Staying up to date on vaccines helps us prevent illnesses that could leave lasting complications or possibly death. The same can...
Preparing for Flea Season

Preparing for Flea Season

Fleas are a dreaded creature to all pet owners. They seem to infest our beloved pets and make theirs, and our lives a misery. They make our pets itchy and can carry diseases, like Lyme disease, and tapeworms. So, what can we do about it? How can we help our pets and...
COVID-19 & Pets

COVID-19 & Pets

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people while others can cause illness in animals. Some coronaviruses that infect animals can sometimes spread to people, but this is extremely rare, and while the outbreak of COVID-19 has been thought...